O que entendemos por uma pessoa inteligente? Saber fazer contas de cabeça? Saber tocar sem pauta "Swan Lake" de Pyotr Ilyich Thaikovsky? Ser criativo? Sim mas não só.
Ser inteligente é também ter inteligência emocional. Ser verdadeiramente inteligente é ter 50/50 de cabeça e coração.
"What is emotional intelligence? Most of us perceive intelligence as a mental quality and emotions as a feeling quality. True intelligence is a blending of the head and the heart. Being “smart” is not only a mental exercise, we also need to develop our ability to be heart-smart."
Já nos depararmos com casos de conhecer individuos extremamente inteligentes, mas que eram uns autênticos c*melos, indiferentes, frios, distantes, rispidos, etc. O problemas destas pessoas é viverem num estado social heliocentrista (estado de estrela e não egocentrico). Signfica que são pessoas que pensam que o mundo gira à volta deles e recusam-se a baixar ao nivel teluricum.
"A belligerent Samurai once challenged a Zen master to explain the concept of Heaven and Hell. But the monk, replied with scorn saying “You’re nothing but a lout, I can’t waste my time with the likes of you.”His very honor attacked the Samurai flew into a rage and pulling his sword from it’s scabbard yelled, “I could kill you for your impertinence.”“That,” the monk calmly replied, “is Hell.”Startled at seeing the truth the master had pointed out about the fury that had him in its grip, the Samurai calmed down, sheathed his sword and bowed, thanking the monk for the insight.“And that,” the monk replied, “is Heaven.”
A inteligencia emocional aprende-se.
1 comment:
when we look to our world as outsiders, maybe it comes to suggestion that all of us are needing more "emotional intelligence".
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